Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Joint injections to promote faster tissue repair, reduce inflammation, and stimulate the healing process.
What is PRP?
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a type of therapy that is derived from your pet’s own blood sample. Platelets (the cells in our body that form clots and stop/prevent bleeding) contain numerous beneficial growth factors and cell signaling proteins. When a platelet-rich concentrate (PRP) is injected directly into an injured site, like a diseased joint, growth factors are released that help to decrease pain and inflammation and promote healing. This can be beneficial for patients with joint dysplasia (hips, elbows), arthritis and cranial cruciate ligament disease.
Treatment considerations:
PRP joint injections are scheduled as a drop-off day procedure since it does require sedation. You may be asked to discontinue certain medications (non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids) 1 week before to 2 weeks after the injection. It is also important that your pet’s activity be restricted for at least 2 weeks after the procedure. A response to treatment is usually seen in the first 2 weeks and can last for 6-9 months (up to 12 months for some patients). Sometimes a second injection is necessary and is given 2-3 weeks after the initial injection.
The cost for the PRP injection alone is $590 – this includes preparation of the blood sample using specialized equipment, the joint injection procedure and monitoring of the patient under sedation. A single PRP kit can typically treat 2 joints. This price does not include the cost of sedation or radiographs (if necessary). For most patients, the total cost will range from $800-1300. If you are interested in an estimate for your dog or cat, please email us at